Office Reader - PDF,Word,Excel

by nTools



The Office Reader is a free app that lets you read and view Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, RTF, HTML, MD, EML, MSG, and eBook documents offline.✔ Supported file formats- DOC, DOCX (Microsoft Word).- XLS, XLSX (Microsoft Excel).- PPT, PPTX (Microsoft PowerPoint).- PDF (Portable Document Format).- RTF (Rich Text Format).- TXT, TEXT, LOG (Text Format).- CSV (Comma-separated values).- HTML, XHTML (HyperText Markup Language).- MD (MarkDown).- EPUB, MOBI, AZW, AZW3, AZW4 (eBook formats).- EML, MSG (Electronic Mail Format).- SOURCE CODES (java, kt, scala, py, rb, dart, js, ts, c, cpp, xml, yml, html, xhtml, css so on).✔ Supported password-protected file formats.- DOCX- XLS, XLSX- PPT, PPTX- PDF✔ Convert- DOC, DOCX ➜ PDF, TEXT- PPT, PPTX ➜ PDF, TEXT- PDF ➜ PDF(Rasterize), PPTX, TEXT- RTF ➜ PDF- CSV ➜ XSLX- HTML ➜ PDF- MD ➜ PDF - EML, MSG ➜ PDF- SOURCE CODES ➜ PDF✔ Doc Scan✔ Folder Navigation✔ Long Press App Icon- display a list of the 4 most recently opened files for that app.